

UCTCLINIC CONTINUES TO TREAT PATIENTS The COVID-19 pandemic and the forced quarantine measures became a real challenge for all mankind. The bans affected not only the lives of each of us and most businesses, but also significantly limited one of the fundamental rights of every person - the right to timely and effective medical care.


Stem cell treatment for patients with eye diseases

Stem cell treatment for patients with eye diseases Stem cell therapy was effectively used for enhancement of vision in patients. Embryonic stem cells of human were employed for the therapy. Advanced Cell Technology was developed that helped in treatment of macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is considered to be one of the main causes that brings to blindness of person.


A. I. Smikodub is a great Ukrainian doctor, scientist and big innovator

A. I. Smikodub is a great Ukrainian doctor, scientist and big innovator Aleksandr Ivanovich Smikodub was born in 1948. He graduated from Kyiv Medical Institute (1972). His interest to cell therapy treatment appeared in 1970 when he worked over the problems of nervous tissues trophicity, metabolism disorder and neurogenic dystrophy.


Medical tourism in Ukraine

Medical tourism in Ukraine Ukraine has become an alluring destination for medical tourists for a number of reasons. Its proximity to Europe and wonderful nature certainly plays its role. But it is not only that. Unique Slavic culture is of big interest to foreigners who are glad to get acquainted with the country they travel to.


What is stem cell therapy

What is stem cell therapy The idea of stem cell therapy came into view long ago. The principle "like cures like" appeared in the 16th century. The medicines are effective up to the moment of metabolic breakdown, while stem cell therapy will give you durable effect. It activates healing power of the patient and lets the body renovate itself.