Cerebral Palsy treatment

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a combination of abundant number of musculoskeletal system disorders` symptoms, which differ depending on damage form to certain parts of the brain, their stage and progression.

The cause of cerebral palsy

  To determine the main cause of the disease is usually not possible due to its specificity and unique etiology. Genetic abnormalities, congenital malformations of the brain, fetal hypoxia (result of fetoplacental insufficiency), infectious diseases during pregnancy, as well as other factors cause a violation of the morphological structure of certain types of nerve cells - neurons (structural and functional units of the brain) and oligodendrocytes (glial cells that form a myelin sheath of nerve fibers). These changes lead to dysfunction of some parts of the brain and development of pathology with specific symptoms: cognitive and psycho-emotional dysfunctions, insufficiency of internal organs and systems, appearance of pathological muscle tone, deformation of musculoskeletal system, loss of hearing and vision, as well as numerous other manifestations depending on  individual condition of the patient.

  Multifactorial nature of the pathological process complicates the process of prevention and early diagnostics. In most cases, preference is given to symptomatic therapy, which makes i possible to improve the patient's quality of life with the help of rehabilitation techniques, surgical interventions on the musculoskeletal system and various types of drug therapies. Unfortunately, such treatment options, as a rule, do not give the desired result: they do not affect the main cause of the disease - pathological damage to the brain nerve cells.

The origin of fetal stem cells and their action mechanism on the nervous system

   In the "Unique Cell Treatment Clinic" under the leadership of Prof. Smikodub, a new method with the use of fetal stem cells preparations has been developed to ensure the restoration of the nervous system function and integrity of the brain structures.

   Fetal stem cells - the only source of natural neuroectoderm stem cells - precursors of neurons. Their use in the treatment of neurological diseases is most effective, compared to other types of stem cells. They have the exceptional property of giving rise to new neurons and oligodendrocytes, giving the biological material for building healthy nerve tissue. As a result, the nerve tissue acquires new opportunities for growth and regeneration, reducing the area of brain damage. The drugs, used in treatment, are  based on fetal stem cells. They promote the secretion of a large number of growth factors and chemokines, that leads to active differentiation of neuronal progenitor cells and maintenance of new neurons growth.

The results of treatment course in "Unique Cell Treatment Clinic"

   Treatment in our clinic with the method of Prof. Smikodub leads to a significant improvement in the general condition, moreover - it has much more better effect than other modern methods: it allows to replace damaged neurons with new healthy nerve cells differentiated from fetal - precursors of nervous tissue, thereby actually destroying the primary focus of the disease.

 Improvements in general condition of the patient are visible after the first course of drug administration. There is a decrease in severity of central paresis and pathological muscle tone, fine motor skills are improved, self-service skills, attention and function of the psychoemotional sphere are also increased. Observance of all recommendations, the passage of full prescribed course will minimize the manifestations of cerebral palsy and give the patient an opportunity to live without former restrictions. Cellular treatment in most cases is easily tolerated by the patient and, depending on the severity of the condition, takes from 3 to 5 days.