Unique method of erectile dysfunction  and chronic prostatitis treatment

Problems of men's health in recent years are becoming more relevant all over the world. The growth of sexually transmitted diseases, the temporary effect of most drugs from erectile dysfunction, "businessman syndrome" that is rapidly spreading in developed countries, makes it necessary to seek new approaches to solving these problems. Our clinic offers an innovative integrated solution aimed not only at achieving a rapid therapeutic effect, but also, first of all, in eliminating the causes that led to the disease.

The most common problems are erectile dysfunction, chronic prostatitis, and sexually transmitted infections which are often closely related. The share of infections accounts for about 80% of cases of chronic prostatitis, which often leads to the development of erectile dysfunction and decline in reproductive function up to infertility. According to world statistics, about 15% of men under 30 and up to 60% older than 50 years suffer from chronic prostatitis. Erectile dysfunction occurs in 53-55% of men over 45 years of age. But this data is only a part of the problem, because often the patient does not understand his condition and consults a doctor in rather neglected cases. Smoking, sedentary lifestyle, aging, development of atherosclerosis, hormonal disorders (primarily diabetes mellitus and lowering testosterone levels), frequent stresses and other factors lead to decrease in natural protective factors, congestive pelvic organs, impaired blood circulation and aggravate the problem.

Aging is accompanied by decrease in the secretion of many hormones, including testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone. In addition, decrease in the bioavailability of hormones is noted in the body, as a result of which even their normal content in the body often does not lead to sufficient function, and the reception of hormonal drugs does not have a noticeable effect.

Significant structural changes occur simultaneously. Studies of penile biopsy specimens have shown that the number of elastic fibers and smooth muscle cells decreases with age. Reducing the ratio of smooth muscle / connective tissue in the penis leads to an increased risk of outflow of blood in the veins of the penis. This is also facilitated by a reduction in the amount of type III collagen and an increase in the amount of type I collagen.

Among patients with erectile dysfunction, up to 30% suffer from diabetes mellitus and 40% from vascular disorders (totally 70%), and diabetes is the main cause of vascular disorder. The common link in the development of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and erectile dysfunction is the destruction of the vascular endothelium. All vascular risk factors have a detrimental effect on the endothelium, which leads to a disruption in the synthesis of vasodilator factors, the most important of which is nitric oxide (NO). Since nitric oxide plays a key role in the mechanism of erection, a violation of its production and / or accessibility leads to erectile dysfunction.

Stress and emotional tension also significantly reduce the resistance of the body. In developed countries, the "businessman syndrome" is increasingly spreading, meaning a decrease in sexual activity in the absence of any diseases. This state arises as a result of the development of stagnant phenomena due to a sedentary lifestyle and large psychological loads, smoking, and malnutrition. The combination of these factors leads to the narrowing of the blood vessels of the pelvic organs and erectile dysfunction. As a result, in addition to physical discomfort, a person experiences psychological and emotional stress, which keeps the body in a state of constant stress and does not solve the problem, but only deepens it.

A vicious circle occurs and we offer to break it with the help of complex treatment developed by our specialists. It organically combines a unique method of treating urological problems with preparations based on fetal stem cells by the method of Professor Smikodub and the most innovative methods of urology and physiotherapy. It is very important to understand that the methods used in our clinic do not replace, but complement each other organically, since they provide not only the inclusion of several mechanisms for regulation and maintenance of homeostasis, but also various ways of their implementation. As a result, the body develops many positive effects, which are a combination of adaptive and compensatory reactions that arise in tissues, organs and the body as a whole:

- activation of cell metabolism and increase of their functional activity;

- activation of blood microcirculation and increase of tissues trophic maintenance level;

- anti-inflammatory effect on the pelvic organs;

- stimulation of reparative processes;

- reflexogenic effect on the functional activity of various organs and systems of the body;

- stimulation of immunity.

Laboratory and instrumental examinations of the patient make it possible to obtain exhaustive information about his condition and to select an individual treatment algorithm, oriented to achieve the maximum positive effect. In addition to the basic complex of examinations, each patient undergoes ultrasound of blood vessels, a blood test for hormones (including prolactin and testosterone), bacteriological research and a PCR test for the presence of pathogenic agents of sexually transmitted diseases.

Complex treatment according to the unique technique of Professor Smikodub includes the following:

  • Treatment of erectile dysfunction with stem cells is a new, scientifically based method of treatment that allows influencing the pathophysiological mechanisms of disease development at the cellular level.

Treatment is based on the unique ability of fetal progenitor cells to produce offspring in the form of differentiated endothelial cells, which become physical elements of newly formed vessels. In addition, incorporated progenitor cells release growth factors that promote the regeneration of already existing damaged vessels.

The paracrine factors produced by stem cells have a beneficial effect on the regenerative processes of the urogenital system tissues, protecting the body's own cells from apoptotic stimuli and activating internal reserves, enhancing the ability to recover. Fibroblasts derived from fetal stem progenitor cells are able to simultaneously proliferate and synthesize collagen, and also produce more collagen types III and IV, while fibroblasts produced by the patient's own organism produce type I collagen. In addition, the development of a variety of necessary cytokines can affect the processes of tissue regeneration, significantly slowing down and even completely stopping the development of fibrosis. As a result, with the introduction of preparations containing fetal stem cells, the content of fibrous tissue becomes less pronounced, which contributes to the restoration of erection.

Cell therapy leads to a real regeneration of poorly functioning tissues due to the restoration of damaged body cells, the formation of new vessels and the restoration of old ones, and also enhancing natural cytoprotective mechanisms. When transplanting fetal stem cells, the damaged and destroyed tissues of the urogenital system are replaced by new, healthy cells, and a newly formed network of blood vessels helps restore blood flow to the genital organs. Complex treatment also includes the introduction of fetal neural stem progenitor cells, which form new neural connections, allowing the body to restore the mechanism of erection regulation at the level of the nervous system.

In addition, fetal stem cells improve the psychological state: sleep normalizes, the general condition of the body improves, a new burst of energy is noted, working efficiency increases, mood improves significantly, depression goes away and libido increases.

As a result, the normal activity of penis blood vessels is simultaneously restored; the control of erectile function by the nervous system is restored, a general psycho-emotional condition is improved which lead to the complete restoration of a man’s normal sexual life.

2. Physiotherapy treatment.

The maximum effective physiotherapeutic treatment of erectile dysfunction includes the complex effect of vibro-laser, magnetic and LNP-therapy. It initiates additional mechanisms of cell therapy, improves blood circulation in tissues, creates a favorable environment for engrafting and differentiating of stem cells, improves the bioavailability of the preparation administered, and facilitates faster and full recovery of functional activity.

The biological effect of laser therapy is achieved through the following effects:

- primary effects: changes in the energy of electronic levels of living matter molecules, stereochemical rearrangement of molecules, local thermodynamic changes, emergence of waves of increased concentration of calcium ions in the liquid substance of cells;

- secondary effects: propagation of waves of increased concentration of calcium ions in the intercellular space, stimulation of bioprocesses at the cellular level, change in the functional state of both individual systems of the biological cell and the organism as a whole;

- long-term effects: stabilization of immune, neurohumoral and endocrine regulation systems.

All the described effects are calcium dependent. Stimulation of these processes happens due to:

- enhancing the synthesis of DNA and RNA;

- NO release;

- change in the intracellular response to the action of hormones, including testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone, which leads to increase in their bioavailability;

 - maintenance of a normal level of calcium ions in the Golgi apparatus due to the work of Са²+ -ATPase is crucial in the regulation of secretion and cellular contacts.

All this directly affects the physiological processes of the body, responsible for the normal erectile function.

Laser therapy, in complex treatment, serves as a non-specific factor, the effect of which is not directed at any pathogen or symptom of the disease, but at increasing of the body's resistance in the complex. This is a bioregulator of a cellular biochemical activity as well as physiological functions in general - neuroendocrine, endocrine, vascular and immune systems. The data of scientific researches testify that laser radiation is not directed at any definite therapeutic effect, but is aimed at removing obstacles and imbalance in the nervous system that interfere with sanogenetic function of the brain. In the final result, this leads to the attenuation of pathological processes, normalization of physiological reactions and restoration of the regulatory functions of the nervous system.

The effectiveness of laser therapy is increased in combination with magnetotherapy.

Magnetotherapy has several advantages:

- the magnetic field penetrates without weakening through the tissues of the body, which allows to act directly in the right place;

- is a non-contact type of exposure;

- the most physiological kind of physiotherapy, since the person from the phase of intrauterine development is surrounded by the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field and therefore well tolerates this effect;

- practically has no contraindications.

The combination of laser and magnetic therapies has a more pronounced effect on blood microcirculation. In this case, the vasodilator and disaggregation effects are realized mainly at the local level, without affecting the systemic blood flow. Due to the magneto-laser action, the energy activity of cell membranes changes, conformational changes occur in the endocrystalline structures, primarily in intracellular water. The intensification of the turbulent process in the flowing blood and lymph provides more complete reaction of energy substances at points of contact with the walls of the capillaries. The simultaneous action of laser and magnetic field stabilizes ionic intracellular homeostasis. Thus, the use of magnetic-laser therapy improves energy processes in tissues, normalizes the rhythms of microcirculation at the site of the disorder, eliminates trophic discrimination of some cellular elements in front of others, restores local blood flow and lymph flow, accelerates regeneration and improves its quality. Using these methods of physiotherapy daily the effect is observed in most cases already on 3-5 days.

LNP-therapy (local negative pressure or vacuum therapy) in the treatment of erectile dysfunction is also an effective method. LNP-therapy strengthens the drainage function of the prostate from urethra, which allows the prostate to return to normal physiological dimensions. At the same time, the patient's quality of life increases greatly, including the frequent urge to urinate and discomfort in the perineum, urine stream improves as well. Thus, the negative emotional background in the intimate sphere is reduced, which increases the confidence in their "masculine abilities" and adds many positive moments in life.

Complex treatment according to the unique technique of Professor Smikodub in our clinic allows successfully restore men’s health in the shortest time, and the action of preparations based on fetal stem progenitor cells allows preserving this effect for a long time.

Treatment is minimally invasive. Patients tolerate treatment easily and feel comfortable. As a rule the duration of the course in the Unique Cell Treatment Clinic is from 5 to 10 days.