Patient experiences in UCTC

Patient: H.F.Y. from Taiwan, 56 y.o.
Diagnosis: Arterial hypertension. Acute cerebrovascular accident. Diabetes mellitus type 2. Gout. Kidney stone disease.
Date of treatment(s): November 2015, September 2018
Neurological complaints: tremor and weakness of the hands, headaches that occur primarily due to the increased blood pressure, dizziness, palpitations, general weakness, easy fatigue, weight loss, occasional coordination disturbances, sleep disorders.
Obtained results after the first course of stem cell therapy (according to the patient):Patient’s hands stopped to tremble on the 2nd day of therapy (he had this problem for about 10 years), kidney stones came out by themselves on the 3rd day, sleep normalized (no need to continue taking sleeping pills, which he used for 10 years), tolerance to physical activity significantly increased. Stem cell therapy gradually helped his body to move properly and cope with any work. He felt better and better and started to progressively recover. Now he can do any sports and safely drives a car.

Patient: A.F. from the USA, 11 y.o.
Diagnosis: Autistic spectrum disorder. Pediatric celiac disease.
Neurological problems (according to patient’s mother): easy fatigue and tiredness, which occur not only as a result of physical but also mental activity, memory disorder, reduction in the speed of thinking and difficulty with the reproduction of information and statements of thoughts, which sometimes cause irritation, balance coordination disorder, muscle tonus reduction, reduced sensitivity to painful and painless stimulus.
Date(s) of treatment: June 2018
Follow-up from patient’s mother (5 months after stem cell treatment):
Thank you,

Patient: E.G. from Estonia, 51 y.o.
Diagnosis: Type I Diabetes. Diabetic polyneuropathy.
Main complaints: easy fatigue and tiredness, occasional tinnitus, dry flaky skin
Date(s) of treatment: December 2017
Follow-up (9 months after stem cell treatment):
Before my skin was extremely dry and I was always tired, now these symptoms are gone. My insulin dose is now much lower than before, I have more energy to do my everyday activities.

Patient: K.M. from Indonesia, 54 y.o.
Diagnosis: Consequences of myocardical infarction
Date(s) of treatment: May 2014
Patient's follow-up (4 years after stem cell treatment):
On 4th of April 2014 I had strike with heart attack, my Doctor's diagnosis was: the lower part of my heart was damaged permanently around 25% due to infarct 99% blockage, I could not walk more than 100 meter, my heart hurt so badly, I barely could not do anything.
After few weeks a friend of mine suggested that I should try Stemcell therapy at UCTC, so I rushly contacted Indonesian Agent to get more information regarding the Stemcell treatment.
The Agent did their job very well. They helped to refer all my medical reports to UCTC in Ukraine in order to have Doctors' evaluation and resume from UCTC.
A few days later, I received their reply that the kind of problem I have they are able to help, so i prepared myself to have the Stemcell therapy.
I got my treatment on May 2015. After a few months I felt significant changes in my activities: in fact after over 9 months of treatment i was able to swim over 2.000 meter every week, I could walk more than 100 meters, in fact I could walk from 10 am til 20.00 pm with no more pain in my chest. Thanks so much Guys well done!
I hope my testimony could help anyone who has severe heart problems especially short breathing, chest pain, get tired easily. You may consult your problem to UCTC and see what they can do for you.....You will be amazed.

Patient: K.L. from England, 5 y.o.
Diagnosis: Smith-Magenis Syndrome
Neurological complaints (according to patient’s mother): developmental delay since the childhood. Although mostly friendly, sometimes can be aggressive, reacts poorly to the word NO, beats himself. Does not write and draw. Expresses his requests through actions.
Date(s) of treatment: March 2012, March 2013
Follow-up from patient’s mother (6 months after first stem cell treatment):
During the first two months after treatment, we did not observe any improvements (or just minimal ones). Now almost every day occur some changes in boy's development and behavior, he finds more things interesting, he became more independent, more emotional, he talks a lot in his own language.
K. expresses his desires: when he wants something, he takes my hand and points to the thing with his finger (e.g., if he wants to walk, he points to shoes).
Changes in emotions: he expresses disappointment when his mother leaves him in a kindergarten, takes her hand (previously remained indifferent); he expresses more emotions toward parents.
Started to sing - without specific words, but it is clear that he is singing (as sing children, who cannot pronounce the words).
Twice he cried like a normal baby (earlier he could only grizzle and moo).
Started watching cartoons! Previously he perceived only music from cartoons, but now he intently looks at the screen for a long time, tries to finish the sentence.
He could not climb the stairs before - now he can go upstairs holding the rail (downstairs – still fears).
He sleeps without waking up the all night (before he got up at 5 am).
Continues to beat himself when he is not satisfied with something.
I would like to know what determines when to take the next course of cell therapy? Is it possible for my son to undergo stem cell treatment every six months if such improvements continue?
UCTC Neurologist’s examination before the second stem cell treatment (March 2013):
The boy has developmental delay since the childhood. Underwent stem cell therapy in March 2012. Over the past year, parents report improvements: he became more active, less aggressive, sleeps better at night (wakes up less frequently), eats and drinks independently. Patient smiles to the doctor, talks something (inarticulate). Understands what his mother says, executes some instructions. Walks, more on tiptoes.

Patient: I.M. from Ukraine, 6 y.o.
Diagnosis: Delayed speech and mental development, autism
Neurological problems (according to patient’s mother): delay in speech and mental development. Parents started to observe the first signs of the disease at the age of 2, when child's speech skills began to regress and appeared stereotypical behavior (he could run round and round or jump in one place for a long time). Mother connects the onset of the disease with the child's vaccination.
Date(s) of treatment: December 2012
Follow-up from patient’s mother (3 months after stem cell treatment):
Good afternoon, Dr. Alexander Smikodub,
I want to share the joy of Ilya’s success, and ask some advice.
Once again, many thanks from me and my husband! We cannot express in words our gratitude to you!
After the cell treatment we have noticed an obvious progress. In two weeks after the procedure, behavior and emotional condition of our son has improved. It was noticed in kindergarten and by speech therapist, who has been with him for a year. Then everything has stabilized. But 2 months later, in March, Ilya began to surprise us. He suddenly began to draw and sculpt with play dough, and now he always walks with a pencil or pen. At first, his pictures were incomprehensible. Then meaning and form began to appear in his pictures. Our son draws trains and trolleybuses on all the walls in the apartment (we permit)! He sculpted from play dough people and they were beautiful. And just look how he decorated my phone with play dough (photo attached)! Ilya draws in the books, he adds ears to people, and people to cars. He has also began to write letters. Not all yet, only A, C, M and O.
Especially noticeable changes in behavior and interests are visible during his classes with a speech therapist. Now he studies easily, assiduously and with interest. Kindergarten teachers praise Ilya. He writes, sculpts and draws a lot. Ilya draws more beautiful and legible every day. Obvious changes in his fingers and hands have occurred in the last 3-4 weeks!
He himself says that the picture shows the subway, and there is a girl in it. Ilya draws people in a strange way, he was not taught to draw them right, it is his personal observations.
Fine and gross motor skills, cognitive interest and acumen have improved. He have even learned how to play computer games, he is keeping pace with pressing the keys, looking at the screen, not the keyboard. But it is pretty easy to distract him from the game and begin to sculpt or paint.
His speech became better, he answers the questions, asks the questions, asks to take him to the aquapark or go to the railway station to see the trains. Far only I understand him, but he is already planning how to spend the weekend!
Ilya constantly mutters or talks. He makes sentences about his pictures. We have even ventured to send our son to a normal school: he goes to a Russian class with additional hours of individual training after school. His behavior is quite, adequate and social. So far, only his speech lags far behind his peers. Otherwise, on the lessons he sits still, does not disturb other pupils, learns and remembers some material. If necessary we will leave him for the 2nd year.
We constantly notice changes in our son’s condition after each course of rehabilitation, but this time, it’s just miracles!
I want to ask, when we can or need to undergo the second course of fetal stem cell therapy? We'd like to continue to catch up his peers by seven-league steps!
Once again, thank you so much!
Best wishes,
Letter from mother of patient I.M. (21.04.2013):
Good day, Dr. Alexander Smikodub,
I want to share with you my emotions. I've bought a colored play dough, and in 5 minutes he has made a bus depot! I was just in shock! His fine motor skills and manifestations of fantasy delight me to tears.
Even 3 days ago this could not be done. And the main thing is that everything is understandable: yellow and white buses, red rear lights, black wheels! He invented that himself. In kindergarten kids are taught how to sculpt apples, carrots, etc., but Ilya already knows how to sculpt buses and people! Not all of his peers can sculpt, and with his problems - this is a great rarity. And the day before yesterday our speech therapist praised Ilya: he wrote letters dictated by teacher. She said, "if things go on like now, he will write the words soon".
Thanks again to you and your team for the health care of our son!

Patient: N.U. from Kazakhstan, 7 y.o.
Diagnosis: OTOSCLEROSIS. Sensorineural hearing loss grade 2-3 of genetic nature.
Complaints of (according to patient’s parents): hearing loss, deterioration of sounds perception, especially in a noisy place. Condition worsened after tubootitis and continues to deteriorate.
Date(s) of treatment: March 2017, November 2018
Patient's father shares his experience of bilateral sensorineural hearing loss treatment in the UNIQUE CELL TREATMENT CLINIC:

Patient: D.K. from United Kingdom, 56 y.o.
Diagnosis: Primary neurodegenerative disease with affection of the brainstem and spinal cord.
Date of treatment(s): April 2017, April 2018
Achieved improvements after stem cell treatment: increased activioty, improved breathing, increased strength in the neck and face muscles, improved speech and swallowing, better feeling, better energy levels. After the first treatment patient started to get some movements that were absent before.
Successful experience of neurodegenerative disease treatment in UCTC

Patient: C.Y. from China, 42 y.o.
Diagnosis: Closed vertebra-spinal trauma, spinal cord injury. Constant residual effects of brain contusion.
Date of treatment(s): October 2018
In September 2017 patient had a spine injury, which led to bed care. Patient arrived to the clinic on a wheeled bed. Neurological complaints: lack of movements in the lower limbs, stiffness and tremor in them; pronounced restriction of upper limbs movements, pelvic organs functions disorder, variations of temperature and arterial pressure.
Mr. C.Y. (high paraplegic patient) returned to Hong Kong to continue rehabilitation training, and now can stand for 60 minutes each time, standing 2 times a day. He has increased his strength and can move himself from bed to wheelchair. Mr. C.Y. and his wife were very excited and once again let me convey the gratitude to all the staff.

Patient: A.H. from Ukraine, 9 y.o.
Diagnosis:Autism (from birth).
Main complaints (according to mom): inability to speak, poor sleep, difficulties with learning and behavior, little interest in interacting with other people, repetitive movements.
Date of treatment(s): 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Achieved results according to the patient’s mother: Improvements appeared gradually after each treatment: her sleep has normalized, appeared desire to interact with her peers, it became easier for her to learn, self-servicing abilities improved much. Today, A.H. demonstrates the best results in all spheres among other autistic children in her group: self-servicing, educational skills, behavior, physical activity, social interaction, etc.

Patient: P.G. from Czech Republic, 43 y.o.
Diagnosis: Spinal amyotrophia, unspecified.
Date of treatment(s): 2016, 2017, 2018
Neurological complaints: expressed weakness in legs, more in the hips, gait disorder, slight decrease in power of the arms; patient’s condition has gradually worsening since 1999.
Achieved results after stem cell therapy: Increased power in legs, increase in distance which can be passed, improvement in heart activity. After performing first stem cell treatment, her walking has started to improve, and now she can walk for 2.5 km easily at her running track. After second stem cell treatment P.G. showed a certain progress in improvement of her general condition.

Patient: O.B. from Ukraine, 39 y.o.
Diagnosis: Multiple sclerosis.
Date of treatment(s): 2014, 2015 (2 treatments), 2016, 2017, 2018
Neurological complaints: impaired walking due to weakness in the legs, mainly in the muscles of the thigh; sensitivity disorders; severe back pain; dizziness, unsteadiness when walking, uncertainty when performing precise movements, numbness in the limbs and impaired urination.
Achieved results after stem cell therapy: Patient began to walk again. Now she can stay on her feet for a long time. She started to feel sensitivity in her back and legs. Recent MRI showed no progression of foci in patient's brain during the last year. Once a year O.B. undergoes the comprehensive program of Multiple Sclerosis Treatment at UCTClinic and is going to continue cell therapy.

Patient: A.A. from Ukraine, 13 y.o.
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy. Organic brain damage. Delay in psychomotor and speech development.
Date of treatment(s): 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Achieved results after stem cell therapies (according to clinic’s neurologist): Increased volume of movements in the limbs, improved speech - speaks simple words in syllables, which are often used, can name his first name, surname, continues verses and finishes the endings of long words, performs simple instructions, reacts correctly to others and what is happening, shows interest, listens to music.
Achieved improvements according to patient’s mom: First time I contacted UCTC in 2015. A.A. couldn’t walk and came on a wheelchair; he used to be emotionally very excited; it was difficult for him to contact with the medical staff. Since that time he has already undergone 4 courses of stem cell therapy. After the first treatment, spasticity became less, his arms and legs became easier to massage, he began to relax more easily, started to repeat the words. Every year I see improvements in condition of my son: now he can say some words, in the house he moves independently on his feet, he calms down much faster. Before A.A. was attending speech centers, doing massages, but there was no big result. But after stem cell treatment, he achieved a burst and got the most positive results. He didn’t stop physical therapy and emotional therapy, and success is more apparent together with stem cell therapy. The teachers who work with him say that he has the improvements, there is a perspective for him to talk.

Patient: A.A. from Ukraine, 27 y.o.
Diagnosis: Multiple sclerosis.
Date of treatment(s): 2015, 2016 (2 treatments), 2017, 2018
Neurological complaints: weakness and tremor in the limbs, numbness of the limbs and tongue, impaired walking and self-care, dysfunction of the pelvic organs, palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue during exercise, headaches, dizziness.
Main achievements results after stem cell therapy (according to the patient): After the treatment, patient started to notice improvements in her condition. Earlier, she barely spoke, barely walked, couldn't eat and not even drink herself, her left arm and leg were numb, she had frequent headaches. Now she is already able to walk with the walkers or by the arm. Together with her mom, she decided to repeat the treatment until she can walk independently.

Patient: I.R. from Ukraine, 30 y.o.
Diagnosis: Post-traumatic neuropathy of the right radial nerve. Post-traumatic and postoperative osteoarthritis of the left knee joint. Multiple gunshot wounds of soft tissues.
Date of treatment(s): July 2015
Patient's history: Patient participated in the armed operations in Eastern Ukraine and received very serious comminuted injuries to the whole body: multiple damages to the arms, legs, neck and head. He was undergoing a very long treatment for more than 1.5 years. After the surgery on the arm, radial nerve was damaged and he could not move with his hand. Also he had serious problems with his leg - cartilage in the knee joint was almost completely damaged. And his general body state after about 50 operations under general anesthesia was already very exhausted.
Obtained results after stem cell therapy at UCTC (according to the patient):"UCTC professionals very quickly evaluated all my problems and prescribed treatment. The effect after stem cell therapy was not immediate, but over the next 3 months my arm began to respond and in 4-5 months it was completely restored. And even the doctors were very surprised, because I had very serious injuries, many centimeters were lost, but everything was restored very quickly. I felt a great effect on my body in terms of regeneration. Already in a month after the surgery on the knee joint (endoprosthetics) I could confidently stand on my feet and went to the gym. And after 4 months I took part in the competitions Invictus Games Ukraine - Road cycling, where I took bronze. What is already a miracle, since the normal stage of recovery after such an operation is six months on crutches. And I've been riding a bicycle in six months already. I can only say one thing - it's a miracle, it's cool professionals, I'm very excited!"