
Type 2 diabetes treatments 

Type ii diabetes-treatment

Treatment of diabetes mellitus 

Treatment diabetes type 1

Diabetic ulcer treatments

Diabetes stem cell treatment

Stem cells and diabetes treatment

Diabetes treatment centers













Ulcerative colitis specialists 

How to treat ulcerative colitis 

Ulcerative colitis pain management 

Natural remedies for ulcerative colitis 

Natural cures for ulcerative colitis

Refractory ulcerative colitis

Acute ulcerative colitis 

Left sided ulcerative colitis

Can ulcerative colitis be cured

Causes of ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis and crohns disease

Ulcerative colitis cancer 

Probiotic ulcerative colitis

Stem cell research in ulcerative colitis

Parkinson's disease stages

Parkinson's disease symptoms

Parkinson's disease diagnosis


Causes parkinsons disease

Multiple sclerosis problems

Diet for multiple sclerosis

What is multiple sclerosis

Stem cell therapy for cardiac disease

10 Earliest Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

What are stages of progressing Alzheimer's disease?

Сauses of the optic nerve atrophy

Types and symptoms of optic nerve atrophy


Cell therapy for recovering from stroke in UCTC


The Stem Cell Research & Therapy , which is and open access journal, published a study, which proved that stem cells from fat or bone marrow successfully treat and recover rats from stroke. After the treatment was applied, brain and heart functions were repaired and stabilized and all behavioral tasks were easily completed. The stem cell therapy promises a treatment for all, recovering from stroke, but many questions emerge and need to be answered. This research was aimed to solve many of them.


Cell therapy helps for curing encephalopathy


The cells of the brain are connected with each other and neurons link them. Neurons are named dendrites and axons that have a cover called myelin sheath. Electrical impulses function with chemical receptors and thanks to them the brain of the person can translate impulses into actions or thoughts. Different parts of the brain are responsible for different functions. For instance, occipital lobes are in charge of vision, while Broca’s area is in charge of speech production and etc.