Meningoencephalitis sequelae treatment - stem cells

What is meningoencephalitis

Such rare and severe condition as meningocephalitis that occurs in children does not pass unnoticed. Inflammation of brain tissue, the meninges can bring to a range of meningocephalitis sequlae.

Who is affected

Meningoencephalitis sequelae treating in UCTC

Meningocephalitis occurs in early childhood. The survivors of it experience the sequelae of the disease. The neurological and neuropsychological negative consequences of such people should be treated. They occur in people who recovered from the bacterial or viral meningitis.

In spite of difference between types of the disease, the consequences were similar and performance did not differ significantly therefore negative consequences are equally dangerous.

Description of meningoencephalitis sequelae

All of them exhibited impairment of physical functions. The patients revealed persistent disturbances. Associative learning of verbal material was diminished in them. Among the negative consequences:

  • Impaired alertness functions
  • Decreased motivation
  • Impaired memory
  • Impaired cognitive function
  • Lower brain volume
  • Pathological short-term memory
  • Poor performance of executive functions
  • Hearing loss
  • Vision loss
  • Seizure disorder

This disease affects learning capabilities and deteriorates memory functions. The patients were tested and had impaired test results.

Upon the whole decreased abilities of daily living affected the quality of life and some of the patients feel disabled as far as the social functions are concerned.

Research of meningoencephalitis sequelae

The problem is underappreciated because few studies were conducted in spite of multiple complains of the survivors of this condition. There is a big gap in studies that document after-effect recorded in the course of several years after the episode of disease in childhood of the patient. Childhood bacterial meningitis is a severe disease that affects the formation of personality.

According to the study, almost half of all children who suffered from it had at least one long-term consequences, but in the most cases there were more than one. As a result, the doctors had to deal with behavioral disorders and intellectual disorders in these patients. About 6% of consequences involves hearing changes, while about 14% - gross neurological deficits.

The children exhibited academic limitations and behavioral limitations. In spite of the fact that neurological deficits could be resolved with years, there were subtle behavioral deficits, which though underappreciated in the beginning, affected survivors in the course of many years after the disease.

In fact, the research revealed the how diverse types of after-effect are and what burden they present for people who suffer from them. Long-term sequel entail severe economic loss for both individual and the society level.

Though there are a lot of preventive vaccines nowadays and antibiotics medications work effectively, bacterial meningitis is still a cause of many lethal outcomes and morbidity even in such highly developed country as USA. For instance, the calculations say about 2-10 cases per 100,000 people. Though appropriate treatment is available the fatality rate is rather high – about 9%.

Severe long-term sequel were documented in the course of 10, 20 and 30 years after the episode of meningitis in the childhood. To the most serious consequences joint problems and inability to perform professional responsibilities can be ascribed.

Stem cell therapy for meningitis (sequelae) patients

Meningitis (sequelae) is a condition that can be treated with stem cell therapy. Menninges – the membrane that surround the central nervous system. Though stem cell treatment is considered an alternative treatment at present, this can be the only way out when the symptoms are severe and patients are left with few options. Stem cells are used to regrow tissues in order to enhance the condition of the sick and eliminate negative consequences of meningitis that are entailed by damaged cell stems, as well as multiple sclerosis.