Stem cell research in ulcerative colitis

Real cure with regenerative medicine

Ulcerative colitis is a severe autoimmune disease, which is traditionally treated symptomatically with anti-inflammatory medications. The disease often ends up with surgical intervention, followed by patient’s disability.

Newest researches in the field suggest developed schemes of suspensions, which contain fetal stem cells and help to treat ulcerative colitis. This is the latest treatment for ulcerative colitis. Stem cell treatment represents the new branch of highly effective regenerative medicine.

This methodology is also successfully applied to the most severe cases, as well as in treatment of acute and chronic forms of the bowel disease.

What are the indications for UC stem cell treatment?

When should stem cell treatment for ulcerative colitis be applied? Here is the list of conditions allowing stem cell therapy application.

1. Severe disease form, which cannot be cured with traditional therapy within 2 weeks period.

2. Other accompanying intestinal complications.

3. Impossibility of surgery due to severe patient’s condition. This can be caused by profound metabolic disturbances, anemia, hypoproteinemia or presence of comorbidities.

4. Anemic syndrome correction.

5. Cachexia (general atrophy).

Advantages of the latest treatment for ulcerative colitis

Stopping the pathological reaction and positive influence on ulcerative-colitis pathogenesis (disease development).

Stable remission achieved within 21 days in mild and moderate forms, lasting for 12-15 months.

Improvement of patient’s life quality.

The opportunity to avoid surgical intervention and subsequent patient’s disability.